Important Information

We realize that your privacy is important, and we provide this Privacy Policy to advise you of our collection of your personal information and inform you on how we use and share it. We may revise, amend, or modify this policy at any time. Please review it on a regular basis to remain up to date on the latest information.

Your access to and use of the website signifies your understanding and acceptance of all terms stated in this policy. Please read it carefully.

This website is not intended for the use of anyone who has not reached the age of majority, and we do not knowingly collect information from those persons.

We understand the importance of your privacy, and we are committed to ensuring the security of all personal data we collect.

This policy applies to information we gather on this website (both desktop and mobile versions) or through our applications and to information we gather from emails or messages sent to this website's administrators.

Our website and applications may link out to third parties with their own privacy policies, for which we are not responsible. We advise you to read the privacy policy of any third party site whose link you follow from our website.

You may contact us with questions about this policy via our contact form.

Personal information we collect

We may collect several types of information about you when you use our website. The information we collect includes the following:

A. Members - If you become a member of the website by registering, you voluntarily provide such information as username, password and email address. We collect information about your preferences and interests and any other information your provide in your communications with us. Technical and usage data we collect from non-members is also collected from you (see 'Browsers' below).

B. Browsers - Browsers are visitors who do not register with the website. Information gathered from browsers (and from members) includes IP address, referral URL (if applicable), geographic location and time zone, operating system and platform, browser type and version, and information about your use of the website.

Collection of information

Your data is collected by us in the following ways:

Passive Collection - When you visit our website, we use passive data collection methods, such as cookies, to gather information that includes your IP address, operating system, browser type, browser version and language, location and time zone, and the date and time of your visit.

Active Collection - We obtain your personal information through your direct provision of it when you register for membership, post any materials on the website, or communicate with us via email or onsite forms.

How we use your information

The main purposes for which we use your data are the following:

- To provide the website and your ability to interact with the website's features

- To display relevant advertising and content tailored to your interests

- For research and analysis purposes to maintain and improve the website

- To allow for technical diagnostics to keep the website functioning as it should

- To comply with with applicable law and cooperate with law enforcement.

- To ensure compliance with our terms of service and fulfill any legal obligations

How we share your information

We may share your personal data with the parties and for the purposes set out below:

- Contractors and companies who provide services necessary to the operation of the website, and only for the provision of those services

- Any person or company who assumes ownership of all or the majority of the business assets, which may occur in the case of merger, sale, restructuring, bankruptcy, or other such proceeding

- Any law enforcement agency, government authority or other organization, if required to do so to meet a legal or regulatory obligation or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of others

Your legal rights

You have rights regarding your personal information. Please contact us to review, update, correct, restrict, delete, request a copy or transfer, object to processing, or withdraw consent for its use.

Transfer of information to other countries

We may transfer, store, or process your personal information to and in countries other than your own, and those countries may have less comprehensive privacy laws and may be outside of the European Economic Area. Your use of our website indicates your consent to this transfer, storage, and processing.
